I've been contacted personally by several people from the FML about my
Totally Ferret post of a few days ago.  I would like to make a few things
1. I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for not paying close enough attention to my
little girl.  I also take responsibilty for feeding the food that didn't
quite smell right (batch FOR13A).  It didn't smell as bad as the COR10A
batch that I bought first, and returned.  I have been feeding her duck
soup several times a day to nurse her back to health.  I beg her pardon
EACH TIME as I'm feeding her.  And I will try to never let something like
that happen again.
2. Several people think that the store or the distributer tried to pass
off an ancient bag of food to me.  I think that it is unlikely for several
reasons.  The store just started selling TF last year when I asked them
to stock it, so I seriously doubt it was them.  They just order a few bags
at a time.  Their distributer buys it a truckload at a time, so they don't
have old bags lying around.
The batch number on the bag I fed was one of the problem batch numbers--
FOR13A, expiration date 13 SEP 01.  How would any distributer know what
information to put onto a bag to fake this?  Also the printing showed NO
sign of tampering.  I think the reason that this bag had the old
information on it was because it was the 15 pound size, they might not
have used up the old printing order quite as quickly because of its size.
Probably the 5 lb bags all have the right information, but they still
should have put a label over the old information.  It would have cost
pennies to print out labels on a computer, or order some preprinted.
I really appreciate the support that I've gotten from some people, and
the positive suggestions towards helping my little girl recover.
Now on to more positive things....
Melodyt and the terrific ten
[Posted in FML issue 3127]