Hello fuzzy people,
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has sent cards
and emails offering support in this very trying time.  I really do
appreciate it.
I also want to update everyone on what happened.  Only I don't remember
what I already said, and my computer did maintenance last night, so I
don't have a copy.  So I guess I will recap, then tell what happened today.
Sampson had a cyst on his right hind leg.  It grew to almost the size of a
softball.  We did an aspirate on it yesterday.  It looked like blood.  We
spun a crit (tells how much of the fluid was red blood cells) it was 25, so
it was almost pure blood.  The next step was x-rays to see what we could
find out, and tests on the aspirate to see if there was an underlying
infection.  X-ray showed there were two tumors in the cyst, One in his
chest and one in his abdomen.  At this point I took him home, and arranged
to talk to the vet later in the afternoon about the gram stain and other
tests on the aspirate.
The vet called me a few hours later.  There was no underlying infection and
there were cancer cells in the aspirate.  I made an appointment to help him
cross the bridge this morning.
I need to back up here just a minute.  Sampson was a sweet ferret, very
cuddly, but he never kissed.  He would always turn his head.  This morning
at the vets office we were waiting for her to come in and give him the
injection.  I was telling Sampson about the Rainbow Bridge, and what a
good time he would have playing with Loki, Spaz, & Draco.  Giving him some
ferretvite, he was up on my chest with his head by my head.  That sweet
little boy looked at me, and then gave me four kisses.  I guess he was
telling me it was okay.
With tears running down my face, Sampson laying in my arms licking the
ferretvite, Holly administered the injection and my little boy went
peacefully to sleep.
Sampson, I love and miss you so much!
Fuzzie Dad
Rainbow & Squeeky
Never forgetting Loki, Spaz, & Sampson
[Posted in FML issue 3126]