On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 [log in to unmask] wrote:
>I honestly don't think ferrets were meant to be cage animals, though many
>seem to adjust.  Obviously, this little one isn't.  For starters, can
>he stay out all night while you're home sleeping?  How about just one
>dedicated ferret room in your home where your ferrets can be out all the
>time?  Maybe it's not a room you had originally thought about.  I'm willing
>to bet you will see some interesting changes in all your ferrets, not just
>this little one, if you set up one room to be a ferret room for them.
Actually this is totally new for him.  He has been a happy camper for the
last 5 years and he and the others have slowly over time gotten bigger and
better cages to live it.  As for the one room set aside for the ferrets
concept, I'd love to do it, but just don't have the space to do so at the
moment.  As for being out all night, the ferrets and the cat do seem to
get along most of the time, but I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that
something *could* happen during the night...Oh well...adopting a cat last
year has thrown a couple wrenchs in the works, that's for sure and limits
a few of my options somewhat, but I just couldn't bear the sweet boy who
lives with us ending up at the ASPCA because he didn't get along with
someone else's previous cat...
>Please let us know what happens...
Thanks for the comments and suggestions...:)
Everyone (except the cat, that is) are going to see the vet on Sunday.
Its possible that there might be something else underlying there that
could be setting Percival on edge...
[Posted in FML issue 3126]