We all can attest to the cute little antics and precious moments that our
fuzzies see us thru :o)
I have to tell you about mine :o) After the bonding has been established,
it seems that all moments are golden :o)
Amber-Lynn will lay on her back at my feet when I do the dishes and she
uses her front paws to push in and around my feet, (her way of navigating
around I guess), meanwhile while she is still on her back, I am dancing all
aound her so as not to step on her.  She'll lay there and lay there, until
I look down at her and praise her and tell her how wonderful she is :o)
The World according to Ambi, it's priceless :O)
Or do you suppose she wants the Cheerio in the cubboard?  :o)
 Jadesun, Dai Mai n' Amber-Lynn
 terribly missing Jade Elaine :o(
[Posted in FML issue 3125]