At 09:52 7/25/00 -0400, Joe P. wrote:
>In reference to the TF batches,... Generally, from what our customers with
>affected lot numbers have told us is (1) The food smells "bad" to humans...
>(2) The ferrets WON'T eat it.  If they do eat it, it will most likely cause
>loose stools, BUT if in doubt, do not feed it - take it back to where you
>bought it for an exchange.  Performance Foods stands behind this product,
>and there should be no reason a store would not honor the return.  The
>tough part about this is that "not all of the bags with these lot numbers
>are affected".
I really appreciate all input from The Ferret Store, but Performance Foods
needs to address this issue themselves.  They need to list all the lots
they have recalled AND the lots from the affected time period which have
had any meaningful number of spoiled bags reported.  This food has an
expiration date at least a year from now and only a month or two has passed
so a few spoiled bags today in lots which have not been recalled could
become a serious problem in the months to come.
TFS posted five lots which were removed from their warehouse, but PF is
recalling only two lots.  Why this discrepancy?  Although PF has not given
us any lot numbers, someone reported the two recalled lots as allegedly
given by Trish of TF over the phone.  One of those lots is not on the list
of 5 lots removed from TFS.  So do we maybe have 6 lots affected?  PF
needs to address these issues openly and ASAP!  Standing behind spoiled
bags as consumers happen to find them is not a responsible approach to
this problem.
They need to report what they have done to correct this problem rather than
us having to rely on assurances that others such as yourself feel they have
done the right thing.
>I think basically, the worst of this is over.  Performance has pulled
>questionable lot numbers from our warehouse, and I am sure they have done
>so at every major distributor.  The remaining "questionable" bags will
>probably remain scattered throughout "pet stores" for awhile.  If you do
>buy any bags from pet or feed stores, just keep your receipts and check
>the lot numbers if you can.
Which lot numbers?  The 5 TFS reported earlier?  The 2 allegedly obtained
from Trish at TF?  All 6 lots?  (One lot is common on both reports.)  Are
there more lots from the affected time period?  Only PF knows and they
don't seem to be talking.  Checking lots "if you can" is not a valid
solution, especially when there is confusion over which lots are involved.
>In any event, this is a problem that could have happened to any pet food
>manufacturer.  I think Performance Foods did a wonderful job of notifying
>us, and consumers about the problem.  They acted responsibly, something
>that many other food manufacturers would have never done.
I appreciate the TFS reports.  I have yet to see any notice from PF which
contains information that consumers can use to protect their ferrets.  We
must either guess at which of the listed lots to avoid, or we must apply
a sniff test.
Ask yourself - How would/should this be handled if human baby food were
involved?  Assorted lot numbers obtained via heresay or information
directly from the manufacturer?  A sniff test?  I don't think so.
Jim H
[Posted in FML issue 3125]