Didn't even think of that little bit of open play that the latches get!
>We now know Amy doesn't have any Fruit Loop addicted fuzzies playing
>around cabinets (LOL).
LOL!  Nah - mine are meat eaters and Nutri-Cal stealers (which I have my
sister-in-law sneak send to us as they don't make it here).  Besides - my
cabinets are already ferret proofed.  In fact - they are so hard to open
sometimes they are human proof!
Our ferrets in the US (which my sister-in-law now has) LOVED Corn Pops so
we had to watch out for all that sugar and corn ickies.  We had one female,
Mitts, that was so tiny that she slipped under the kitchen closet door when
she was *really* being sneaky.  You would hear a loud BANG on the door,
open it, and out she would fly with a potato!  She stashed them behind the
TV so every few days we needed to retrieve the potatoes before they started
stinking.  LOL!
Another one of ours, Bandit, lived in our large bathroom with his life long
cage mate, Snickers.  He opened the cupboard under one of the sinks (double
sinks) all the time.  We had nothing in it except shampoo, so we took
everything out of it and replaced it with blankets and towels for him.  He
also learned how to get on the counter.  He would stand under the bottom
drawer and push it open while standing on his hind legs.  He then ran to
the front and pulled himself into the drawer and did the same thing with
the top drawer.  Then he was on the counter with no problem.  We got the
roller type locks you talked about as they seemed more secure for the
bottom drawer which was perfect as he couldn't push it open.
He was also obsessed with a flushing toilet and would come ruining to said
toilet from anyplace in the house - but that is another story!
[Posted in FML issue 3125]