>From:    Darrin vickmark <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: pet insurance???
>Recnetly i read an article in AOL about pet insurance.  I thought that
>would be pretty cool and looked into it more.  Maybe it would be a wise
>investment for my fuzzies, since there is a large chance of ferrets
>getting into no-no's and cancers/diseases.  Anyone else ever hear of this
>before?  I'd like some info if anyone has ever heard of this.  Thanks!
We got two companies here in Sweden that offers it.  The insurance covers
90% of the vet bill.  Of course there is about 20 pounds of "won't cover
if.." documents, but for basic and emergency care it covers most.
It costs about 250 SEK/year. That would be about 30 USD.
[Posted in FML issue 3124]