The smoking addiction is probably the most difficult addiction to contend
1. you can get cigarettes anywhere
2. you see cigarettes everywhere
3. It does not carry the stigma of a drug addict:
   But you ARE a drug addict: the drug being in the cigarette
4. Many things can trigger the need for a cigarette
5. The smell of cigarettes is in many places-triggering a desire to smoke
A toughie.  And once an addict-there is no pretending you are not.  It
meant for me giving up friends that smoked  Not making friends with anyone
that smokes  Not going places with cigarette smoke and Seeing to the end of
that first cigarette:
If I pick up another one-I know I will be picking up another
And another, and another.  Despite the years-I still want want one
Terrifying and deadly-this cigarrete addiction.
Smoking around ferrets is not funny.  They become victims.  They cannot
help what you are doing, or control where you do it.  Second hand smoke in
adults causes more damage to the innocent person than to the person
I cannot imagine what it does to little ferret lungs.
Hang in there Kevin.  Call a friend if you need to.  There are 12 step
meetings called smokers anonymous.  Expect to have less energy for up to a
year.  You may gain some weight.  Your metabolism is going to slow down.
Expect to possibly add months if not years to the lives of the animals you
are not smoking around.  Expect to find after the toughest days, a quality
of life that will greatly please you.  Expect to be proud of yourself.
You should be.
[Posted in FML issue 3122]