I'm sure some will be tempted to flame me for this but oh well.  I just
need to VENT!  You can either skip over this or send suggestions.  Please
keep your flames to yourself.  All children in the sandbox have to play
I have 5 fuzzbutts... My precious Gracie, Duke, Kiwi the climber, Theo the
seemingly mentally challenged ferret, and my old man, Milo.
I am sooooo tired of cleaning their cage!  It's a major pain in the @** and
it's disgusting, too!  They get ALOT of time to run free so I don't know
WHY their cage is so filthy all the time!  NONE of them seem to want to go
in the litter box!  I clean their cage every day but I do it begrudgingly
because it's so gross.
I finally thought, "Forget this!  I'll just let them free roam rather than
clean that NASTY cage all the time."  Well, that hasn't worked either!  All
the litterboxes in this house and you think one of them would try to hit
ONE of the corner boxes.  Not!!
So then I turned over a small room to them.  It's actually the old entry
way to my house.  THey have millions of places to climb and hide and
explore.  Two litter boxes in this small room and STILL they can't/won't
hit the box!  I am soooo tired of mopping up ferret pee and cleaning up
ferret poo!  This is disgusting, unsanitary and tiring.  I clean the
litterbox, one (or two) of the ferrets will watch me do it and then they
back up right NEXT to the box as soon as I am done. :-(
I love my guys, I really do but this is nasty!  Honestly, I don't know how
some of you do it with 7,8,9,12, 15 ferrets.  I'd go nuts!!!  I'm GOING
nuts just with these 5!
And don't worry, just because I get frustrated with them, they are NOT
abused or neglected.  They've NEVER, EVER been hit, flicked, shaken, yelled
at or anything else that qualifies as abuse.  I wouldn't get rid of them
either... Gracie came from a home where she was neglected.  THis is Theo
and Kiwi's second home, Duke came from a shelter, and Milo is getting on
in years and is a reformed biter thanks to my patience and love.
I look at those puddles of pee and piles of poopies and my heart turns to
ice.  I look at those little innocent faces and I completely melt.  *sigh*
So, if anyone has any ideas....
Thanks for listening.  I just needed to vent.  :-)  Now, where are those
little buggers?  I think I need some ferret kisses!!
Looking for some ferret people in your area?  Then check out the
                        FML Where List at:
           And the Shelter/Rescue and Club List at:
[Posted in FML issue 3122]