>From:    Randy Horton <[log in to unmask]>
>Also for anyone who is keeping track, I have now went thru 800+ Fervac
>Distemper vaccinations without a single bad reaction.  I had 1 ferret who
>got a bump on his neck that stayed for a week , but that is all.  I think
>my theory about using bottles of vaccine that have lost their vacumn may
>have some validity.  Anyone else find a bottle of the vaccine that has
>lost its vacumn?
Sorry.  I have to disagree with you on this one, at least in my limited
experience.  I give my 9 ferrets and all the shelter ferrets that come and
go their distemper shots.  I have never had a bottle that is a problem, but
I have had a reaction (read single reaction) in one ferret.  She will be
treated differently from the others in terms of vaccinations in the future.
My vet feels that it is the adjuvant in the vaccine diluent that may cause
the problem in certain ferrets.  Any other vets share this opinion??
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[Posted in FML issue 3122]