Hi all
A white albino with blue tatoos on right ear.  Hmm dat narrows it down to
5000 or so.  Should be easy to spot.  Just kidding.  A little ferret humor.
A very little ferret.  Dook Dook
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Crystall.  I gave her
da tour of da place.  She waz especially interested in da Gravy Gourmet.
She said she hadn't been well for a while and waz a little hungry.  She ate
and ate.  I don't know where she put it all.  She must be part bear and
putting it away in fat for da winter.  After she waz finished there she
went over to da Otter Slide.  She waz soon sliding and splashing with all
da others there.  She didn't seem to mind getting wet at all and was doing
a lot of sliding.  She said to tell her mommy dat she felt great and to
send lots of luv and kisses.
I looked up Nikita on da puter.  She waz over at da Crazy Kars.  I had to
wait a bit til she was done with her laps or I might have gotten run down.
She waz really zooming.  We sat and talked for some time.  I gave her your
message and she said dat she missed you to.  She said she didn't mind you
getting another little one and she knew you wouldn't forget her.  She said
there is a lot of needy ones out there dat need and want a good home.  She
said to tell her mommy dat she luved her to and to send along lots of hugs
and kisses.
I think I will try da Crazy Kars.  I haven't done dat in a while.  Look out
Nikita here I come.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3122]