Have any of you had a problem switching your ferrets to TF for older
ferrets?  I guess my question is whether there is a taste difference or
if it tastes exactly the same.  Now, I know most of you haven't tasted it
but our ferrets let us know in a hurry if something is different.  I've
thought of changing my crew over very soon and am wondering how difficult
it might be.
As for switiching foods, in general, Cedes came to me eating Friskies.  It
took 3 full months to get him to eat the TF/Iams mixture.  I still throw in
a few Friskes for treats.  It took a lot of patience and I felt like giving
up many times, but I kept trying and eventually it worked.  Now, his
favorite treat is TF/Iams floating in warm water.
[Posted in FML issue 3121]