Dooks to All !!
Okay, what d'ya get when you take a group of 6yr old fosters (1 boy,
3 girls), 3- 3 year old newbies (2 boys, 1 girl) and put them in the
same playroom with a 4 month old "biter" that was surrendered by a pet
store ?????  Oh, yeah - add one fer-kat for measure
Some people would say that I was only asking for trouble to try and
integrate the groups like that.  But y'know what?  It worked out pretty
dang good.  It was a flurry of excitement right here in the living room.
Picture a conga line of 6 butt-sniffing ferts walking across the room.  I
fell on the floor laughing !!!!!
Yogi, Skooter, and Tootsie still are afraid of the normal group, but they
fit in pretty well with the oldsters.  Tootsie and the foster girls had a
blast chasing Sasquatch around and around.  S'quatch seemed extremely happy
to have some playmates.
Only one thing brought it to a halt.  I made the mistake of walking in with
a bowl of Chocolate Truffle Chunk Ice Cream.  Once the aroma hit the room
all ferts were around me.  No, I didn't share.
Among other news.  After 23 years of a 2pack a day slavery, and after
countless attempts to stop, I have finally quit smoking.  Let me say that
again.  I have finally quit smoking <Damn it feels good to say that!>.
I went to a session which combines hypno-therapy, diet, supplements, and
stress and health related issues.  Now, I won't say I don't have the
cravings - I still do in a way.  Habits and triggers can be a hard cycle
to break.  This afternoon I even lit up half a cigarette I found laying
around.  The way my body reacted to it was something I NEVER want to go
through again !!!
I' m just afraid that I'll take up another bad habit instead.  Actually, I
have been hitting the ferretone bottle pretty bad . . . . .
Warm Fuzzies ~~ !!
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Kritter Crew
~Simon~Lacey~Hershey~Sprite~Cuddles~Java~Miss Priss~Cinna~Racer~Patch~
~Mocha~Nikki~Selene~Missy~Yogi~Skooter~  and Mist the Fer-Kat
Foster Kids ~Willie~Christina~Nippy~Stubbie~
Guardian Fur-Angels ~Furrice~Lady~Zeus~Rascal~Socks~Muttley~Dookesbury
~Little Boy~
Missing our friends - Kimo the Sumo Cat (and Honorary Fert) and fellow
ferts ~Petey~, ~Nibbler~, ~Max~, ~Romeo~, ~Bandit~, and the other ~Romeo~
Saying "Hey!" to ~Pandora~, ~Noser~ and the rest of the Tennessee Brat
Pack !!
Please see KITY=^..^=KAT's Fur Faces, Memorial for Zeus
Prayers to the ill and those who have gone before us.  Hug your fuzzies
while you can, hold them in your heart when you can't.
[Posted in FML issue 3121]