Hi Everyone,
Randy wrote:
>Subject: John Gordon
>It takes a mighty big man to get on an international list such as this
>and admit to the world you made a mistake.  My hats off to you and you
>have my respect.  Ferretguy
I don't know if I'm highly complimented by a man that I respect or if I
should be upset with him because he's got a camera in my house and can
see that I need to lose more weight.  LOL!!!
Seriously folks, I appreciate the private messages from those who feel
my point about hypocrisy was proper.  Actually, there were no messages
disagreeing with the main point of my posting.
I simply want equal treatment for everyone.  For those who disagree - well -
that is your prerogative.  I'm one of those who remembers the world before
the 60's when unequal treatment for some was the normal way of doing
things.  We fought hard to change that and I don't apologize for that.
I am quilty of not expressing my issue well in the initial post.  Probably
in the 2nd post as well.  For that I would explain that I wasn't thinking
clearly due to extreme anger compounded by concern over the health of my
and my friend's ferrets.  That is not a good excuse.
My friend Debbie lost her Daisy during this time and, while I don't believe
Daisy's death was caused by the food, it weighed heavily on my mind.
Perhaps others will remember that when they are ready to send a post before
cooling down.  It's not the first time I've done that and probably won't
be the last although I do try. :-)
Another poster, who I respect, privately commented that freedom of speech
also includes the freedom to not speak.  From that perspective, I need to
clarify that I wasn't angry with the thousands on this list that don't
normally bash companies.  The relatively few who are regulars at bashing
pet stores, breeders and corporations are the people that I felt were being
hypocritical, or at the very least showing a double standard, by not
posting valuable and important information regarding the health of
ferrets simply because it was caused by a "favored" "small" company.
Since the thread has accomplished the intended purpose - letting ferret
owners who feed Totally Ferret know to watch for bad batches - it seems
to me to be time to put it to rest.
I was not upset with Performance Foods for the bad food - only for the
failure to either inform us or effectively get it off the shelves.  Does
this mean I think they are a bad greedy company.  NO!!!  It means that
as humans do, they made mistakes.  For that there is a price.  They are
paying it.  It's time to move on.
Hopefully some positive things can be learned from this fiasco.
1. Never depend on one source for food - regardless of how good it
   usually is.
2. If you are aware of a legitimate problem - make the list aware of it.
   If it is valid you will have done ferrets a service.  If it isn't you
   can, and should, always say "Never mind!"
3. Minds and parachutes have much in common - they don't work when closed.
4. BIG has shown great patience in allowing heated discussion without
   censorship.  We are so lucky to have him as moderator.
   But then again we already knew that.
This is a wonderful list that I find to be a valuable learning tool and,
while I don't agree with some points of view expressed here, I encourage
everyone to participate by posting.  Truth thrives when exposed to enough
light.  Evil thrives in the dark.
John Gordon in Pekin, IL with 9 happy ferrets now that the bad food has
been replaced.  Going back into lurk mode until the next time. :-)
P.S.  I'd appreciate it if any of you who know how much good Debbie
Gilliland has done for ferrets here in central Illinois would pray to your
higher power to soothe her recent losses.  Her long time (puppy) friend
Samson left her last month and now her long time ferret friend Daisy has
gone.  Daisy was in great pain and Debbie had to help her along.  Debbie
is a very caring gentle person and is deeply hurting after these losses.
[Posted in FML issue 3120]