To the person that was looking for ferret-friendly apartments in the
Gaithersburg, MD, area (sorry I zapped the e-mail address):
Check out this link to the Baltimore Sun's website:
It's long (all the way to the y=6), so you'll probably have to cut and
paste.  Or just go to and there is a link for there.  I haven't actually used this service, but it
looked like it might be helpful.  Gaithersburg is in Montgomery county.
Let me know if you need any more help.
Aileen & the Herd minus one Herdling
Slinky, Kyle, Noel, Sandy, & Rootie the beagle
Missing Gizmo so much. We love you, baby.
Check out the Herd's website at:
[Posted in FML issue 3119]