Well, things are finally calming down around here.  A kind vet donated
his time and equipment to do ultrasounds on 9 females yesterday, so we
determined that 6 of them are not pregnant.  So we can start the process
of vaccinating and spaying them without waiting the full 42 days of the
gestation period.  We have had another litter, and have 3 definite and 2
more possible pregnancies.  SIGH.  But the good news is that they are
definitely less paranoid!  We only have two problem children now as far as
biting goes, one female who just had kits and one male who is older.  He is
getting better, but is still extremely paranoid.  My father was amazed that
we would be able to rehabilitate any of the adults, but they have come
around so well.  I've even gotten kisses from one!
A big THANK YOU to Pam V. for the lovely hammocks which arrived yesterday!
They are so elegant that all the ferrets will think they are royalty!
Kurt & Sara Petersen
FURRY (Ferrets Underfoot RUnning Round You)
Help raise money for the shelter!  Click on
[Posted in FML issue 3118]