John wrote:
>someone on this list privately e-mails me that they think P&G is bad
>because they test their food with animals
From my point of view, it isn't that Proctor and Gamble (new owners of
Iams) tests their food on animals.  It's that P&G has been a very long-time
user of animals for testing household products.  Only after years of very
bad publicity have they cut down on animal testing.  There are many
household products available which are not tested on animals.  Each of
us has a choice what products we buy.
>I read today's post from another who tips his hat to Performance Foods
>for being "honest".  Sure they admit it after 3 months of food poisoning
TF acknowledged bad batches of food quite a while ago.  I don't know what
they did about contacting distributors or what distributors did about
contacting customers.  I do know that the 2 times I spoke to them they were
courteous and helpful, and yes, the bag of food I bought will be replaced
for free.
Does anyone use smell or light to try to attract a deaf ferret?  I wonder
if there is any range that they can hear (very high or very low)?  Just
curious and thinking of ways to find one in the event they may wander off.
The (deaf) DEW I have now, Merlin, is the most persistent escape artist
I have ever met.  Possibly because he has no sounds to distract him, not
sure.  If anything is moved even a fraction of an inch, Merlin will seize
the opportunity to climb it to get to something else.  He can also undo
just about any barrier I put up.  He has endless persistence.  My 2 best
escape artists are Merlin, the largest, who uses his strength, and Petunia,
the tiniest, who can fit through things the others can't, and who is a very
good climber.
--Ronnie in Mass.
another Harry Potter fan; I would name my next female Hermione and my next
male Sirius, since he's an escape artist!!  I've already had a "Harry" for
about 5 years now :-) who was named after Harry Houdini
[Posted in FML issue 3117]