Well, it's nearly been a week since Koto has been a family member.  I
believe he's adjusting well, I'm pretty much letting him explore things on
his own (with that ever watchful eye on him).  He's taken to sleeping in
the hammock in the travel crate and I've even caught Pumba sleeping in the
crate with him.  (one time in the hammock).  Pumba is a little rambunctious
and I'm needing to understand that she's not driving him nuts.  She chases
him around, jumping on him (the whole time her mouth is open).  He runs
then turns and chases her a bit.  He makes a little chirping noise, which
I'm not sure is good or bad.  If she's pestering him too much, I'll keep
them separated a little more, if it's just that they are playing, I don't
want to intrude, but I want him to grow to love her and for them to become
I haven't seen Koto eating, though I've seen him using the bathroom.  (I'm
thinking he's eating at night time... I leave the food out all the time so
that they can have some whenever they want).  His umm... stools... seem
okay, dark and well formed, (sorry for being so descriptive), I just don't
want to worry about him.  He won't take treats... (I've tried two different
"ferret" treats I purchased at Peptic... Bandits and an 8 in 1 chicken
flavored treat).  I've also tried to give him a raisin, which he wasn't
interested in.  He's taken to my house slipper, which I really don't
mind... (I never wore that pair anyway).  It's a soft fleece on the outside
and the fluffy sheepwool type fabric on the inside.  He tried to climb
inside the shoe, but given his size, doesn't make it too far.  He's taken
one shoe in the travel crate, (cute as a button) and one shoe I found under
the china hutch... (course, all the toys have been found under there as of
late).  All in all, he seems to be adjusting well, which is my main
Pumba... wild fuzzy on four legs... ~smiles~ she's sleeps a lot, (course,
she is only 3 months old), and is wound up like a tight rubber band
whenever she wakes up.  She's a sweetie and loves to be held, (only when
she wants to be that is).  She nips a little still, especially when she's
playing, but understands what no means... her nipping is gentle, never hard
enough to leave marks... so I believe she's coming along well in her nip
training... litter pan training... well, that's another thing.  I have pans
in every room that they come in, and since I'm a stay a housewife, I'm home
all the time.  I try to keep a watchful eye on the both of them all the
time, and when I see Pumba wake up, I take her to the litter pan tray as
soon as she wakes up.  Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't, but when
she doesn't go in the pan as soon as she wakes up, she'll soon find a spot
"elsewhere" to conduct her business... (why do they do that?!) The pans are
cleaned every night, but a few lil bits are left in for scenting purposes.
(and I learned quickly that she'll play in the pan if it's cleaned out
completely).  What I'm wondering now is what do you use to clean the spots
on the carpet so they don't go there again?  I read in one book to clean
the spot with 1 part water, 1 part vinegar and 2 parts detergent, then
spray the area with rubbing alcohol because they don't like that scent.  I
tried that on one spot, and either I didn't clean it well enough or didn't
spray enough rubbing alcohol on it cuz soon as my back was turned there was
a little present left there.  I'm not sure if I should move a litter pan to
that location, but would that be giving in to them... in that whenever they
find a new spot, there will be a litter pan put there to follow?
This week I'm going to find some of the wood pellets to use for the litter
pan, seems those would be less messy than them tracking the cat litter all
over, and I'm hoping the lil fuzz butts will find that more appealing that
the carpeting... ~crosses my fingers~
I just wanted to give you all an update and tell you how wonderful it is
being a new mommie!
gone but never forgotten
[Posted in FML issue 3117]