I have to disagree with Lisa.  Sorry... but this is also just my own humble
I must say, I had a waterbed for most of the time I have had ferrets, and
the two only clashed this past year when one of them (maybe two) took to
chewing on the corners of the water bag.  Otherwise, my ferrets all loved
the bed as it was comfy warm in the winter and soothingly cool in the
summer.  They also loved to chase the air bubbles when it came time to
change the sheets.  They also loved it when we rocked and rolled around
making them bounce here and there.
Maybe the danger implied had to do with rolling over onto the ferrets,
which is very serious indeed.  This can happen in any bed.  Ferrets have
slept with us for a long time in our waterbed.  Maybe we are just light
sleepers.  Keep in mind that a waterbed had more give than a regular
mattress should a ferret get under a rollover.  At least in the case
where there is plenty of water to stop a prone body from hitting the wood
flooring.  Otherwise, it would actually be worse.  Our ferrets like to
sleep either at the back of our knees, along our backs (stretched out) or
by our heads between the pillows.  If anyone has a fear that they may roll
over onto their furrkids but wants them to sleep with them, then I suggest
that they test things out by sleeping with soft squeak toys first.  If they
don't hear the squeak or don't feel the difference when they roll over,
they may want to reconsider having ferrets in the bed with them.  Know your
body and know how well and how fast you can react.
I have read many times of ferrets trapped in the undersides of regular
mattress beds.  My heart is saddened everytime I read about this.  In a
waterbed the bottom is sealed with no way for a ferret to get under the
bed boards.  And the bag is too heavy for even a human to lift without
struggling.  Sure our guys would travel down the sides of the bag, between
the bad and the wood sides, but the bag still allows movement, even with
us in it.  I've seen them deal with it time and time again without any
problems what so ever.  Even the littlest ones.  They are deceivingly
I have yet to have a decent nights sleep on any other kind of bed.  My back
hurts more now than it ever did on my water bed which was next to never.
Funny how it works this way.  I feel that beds really are a matter of
choice.  What may be good for one is not necessarily good for all.
Call me lucky (knock on wood) or call me stupid, but when I find a sure
fire solution that will allow the ferts the pleasure of the waterbed again,
without the leaks, I will be setting it up again.  So I'm with Lynn... if
you get any answers, swing them by my way too!
I was thinking of foam padding the corners and sealing the foam in with
duct tape.  That way, if they decided to bite, they would only reach the
foam and the tape... Any body have any other suggestions?
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
For the Love of Ferrets... Missing Bear who loved the waterbed
[Posted in FML issue 3117]