I "only" have three ferrets.  Al is deaf.  As posted by others, he doesn't
miss a beat and he takes his cues from Kaie and Matt.  He hasn't missed a
treat or a call for bedtime in the year that we've had him.  I would like
to point out one advantage to having a deaf guy.  When I go in to the
ferret room in the morning for the daily wakeup call to give hugs and
kisses and doing some cleaning up - Al sleeps through the routine and
Katie and Matt get some undivided attention --- two hands, two ferrets.
Then, when Katie and Matt are through, I grab Al for his "stretchies" and
hugs --- everyone is happy and nobody is neglected.
Sure, Al has some bad habits --- he's a lick, lick chomper and he tends to
need a bath sooner than anyone  (My little DEW starts to look like a cheese
doodle.) but I wouldn't trade him for the world.
Also, I posted before.  Marshall Farms offered to give me a full refund
for the "defective ferret" if I returned him or half price credit at the
store where I purchased (I know, I know - I wasn't shelter educated) him.
Yeah right!  I took them up on the 1/2 credit and bough ferretone, ear
cleaner, and ferrtvite that went to the local NY/NJ shelters!
Kristeen, JT,
Katie, Matt & Al
[Posted in FML issue 3116]