Some have posted objections to calling deafness a defect.  I'm sorry that
they feel offended, but I stand by that characterization.  Clearly ferrets
have the physical structures with the purpose of providing hearing.  If
these structures do not provide hearing, then this seems to me a defect
(or injury).  I have not seen it suggested that those ferrets who make
it into this world deaf deserve any less love or care than those with
hearing.  I have not seen it suggested that euthanizing deaf ferrets be
practiced.  However, it does not make sense to intentionally create deaf
animals (who would normally hear) simply to enjoy a color or pattern that
looks pretty.  Someone suggested that not all deaf humans have deaf
children and that perhaps not every kit from a deaf parent would be deaf.
I do not find it worth that risk.  The situation that started this
discussion was breeding of a deaf ferret known to produce (at least some)
deaf kits.  We humans are manipulating the breeding behavior and survival
of ferrets and have the responsibility to choose wisely for them.  Despite
the best anyone can do for a ferret in finding it a home, there are no
guarantees.  A ferret that does not have to overcome deafness, cancers,
blindness, heart defects, etc has that extra opportunity to fit in to a
home, survive, and even (hopefully) thrive.  A deaf ferret has that extra
opportunity to be unexpectedly startled into biting (and all the potential
consequences) or to fail to avoid a threat (lost and can't hear the
squeaky toy, car, dog).  Since we choose for them, let's give them the
advantages and avoid unnecessary hurdles.
Debra in Fort Worth
[Posted in FML issue 3115]