I want to thank everyone who sent me ideas and suggestions for what to name
our new old lady... they were all wonderful.
We have selected the name Lace... as in the fine and delicate lace you see
in senior's homes.  And since lace is usually white, and she happens to be
too.... well... I also thought that the old movie, Arsenic and Old Lace was
kind of fitting considering... (you know, as in plotting and planning like
ferrets do... and come to think of it, there was some digging involved
too... hmmmmm)
Sukie mentioned that a name change is like a new beginning, and I agree
with that.  I think that is rather nice.
Thanks again for all the thoughtfulness in your suggestions...
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
For the Love of Ferrets...
[Posted in FML issue 3072]