Our ferret, Sammy is a 5 1/2 yr old femnale who has always had the run of
our large bedroom except during the night (she would awake in a closet and
decide that the closet corner made a very suitable toilet).
She was descented and neutered by 8 weeks and has been extremely healthy
and active.  No hair loss or odd behaviour until the past few weeks.  We
have a 3 tiered marshall cage and when she wakes up she briskly paces back
and forth on one shelf and jumps to an adjacent shelf like the animals you
see in the zoo.  In doing so she gets incontinence and wets the shelf.
There is a hammock between the 2 shelfs and she even gets this wet as well
now when she gets excited.
This pacing and bladder behaviour has never happened before.  At first I
assumed she may have a bladder infection but outside of the cage we observe
her and she remains completely toilet trained during the day.  During the
day she uses our shower floor or her litter box and she never has had a
urinary accident except when caged and while pacing.
Is this old age and just a weak bladder when she is restless?  Women as
they age after childbirth, etc can get a dropped bladder and this can cause
various forms of urinary incontinence....I guess older ferrets can have
similar problems?
Can anyone recommend a ferret Vet in the Danbury Connecticut area?
Jerry ( a people doctor)
[Posted in FML issue 3084]