Dooks to all!
I have the scariest, yet funniest story to tell.  Every day, when I get off
work, I let the 3 fuzzies out for their evening playtime of about 5 or 6
hours.  Well, I usually play with each one separately, giving them their
individual attention while the other two usually wrestle or play chase.
Well, a few hours go by and I decide that it's time for them to go to bed.
I get Felicia and Sonny into the cage with no problem, but I can't find
Sebastian anywhere.  I try their favorite squeaky toy and I see his little
head pop out of a box under the table in the kitchen.  Well I scoop him up
and carry him to the bedroom.
As I walk down the hall, I notice that his paws are wet and I figure he
has been playing in the water dish again.  When we get into the bedroom I
notice that it is all over his belly and sides, so I inspect him closer.
It's blue green!  My heart sinks.  I know that there are no chemicals on
the floor for him to get into.  He can't get into the cabinets under the
I rush back into the kitchen and inspect everywhere that he had been, all
the while cradling him under one arm like a football.  When I get back to
the box, I let out a sigh of relief and kind of chuckle to myself.  There
is half a case of little fruit punch drinks in the box.  Little mister
piggy had decided that he was thirsty and was not going to settle for water.
I found little teeth puncture marks in the foil on three of the bottles
and he managed to tear open one completely and tip it over.  He mixed the
different flavors and got a blue green tummy to boot.  Needless to say,
he got a quick dip and was put to bed.
He really didn't see what all the fuzz was about.  He's seen me drink them
all the time.  I never realized that he might actually try to get one for
Hugs to all the fuzzies and prayers for all the sick ferts.
Shannon C. (owned by three carpet sharks...
Sebastian, Felicia, & Sonny).
[Posted in FML issue 3082]