I wanted to let everyone know how much I have enjoyed reading about the
funny things that ferrets do (I'm sure others have too).
Like I told everyone in my earlier email I am owned by eight, Stinky
(doesn't stink he is just a little devil), Baby, Tinkerbelle, Nips,
Sinbad-King of Hearts, Mis Shel, Powder and Crystal.  Everyday they do
things that bring a smile to my face.
I might have had a very bad day, but watching these little ones makes me
smile and brightens up an otherwise bleak day.
I want everyone to know that it has been wonderful to be able to read
about all the peculiar habits that fuzzies have.  Please keep them coming,
I would love to read some more!
Baby loves dirty socks-only if they are being worn.  Sinbad loves
treats-only store bought treats out of the can(I mix my own treats for the
other ones, they are healthier).  Mis Shel lightly nips the top of my foot
until I say hello to her, and her alone.  When all of them hear my foot
steps coming up the steps to my apartment, they stand by the front door in
a group to greet me.  No one trys to get out the door when I open it.
Everyone love and keep your fuzzies close to your heart always.
Donna and her eight owners
[Posted in FML issue 3082]