Had anyone planned on attending this show on April 29?  We had on April 29,
but the Skinners turned a vacation into hell, by cancelling a week before.
Leaving us with no way to rearange things at work, etc.  We run a ferret
shelter, had someone to care for it while we were gone.
We can not attend on June 17 & the Skinners have not refunded our money.
($464) We have asked several times & each time they say it is in the mail.
If the Skinners are giving this show, then Gary must not be very sick!  &
where is our money?  Should have been refunded ASAP!  Motel refund was
returned in two days.
We are just letting people know how dishonest the Skinners can be.  What
right do they have in not refunding money that is not theirs!  It would
have been a different story if we had cancelled, but we didn't & now have
to beg to get our refund.
AFA is not helping either!!  We have lost our faith in AFA for letting this
go on.
I'm sure the Skinners will say that we have been rude to them because of
Gary being sick(??).  Rude is keeping money not belonging to them.  Sick,
then the show should not be given or give it next year.  Why did people
not want to help the Skinners with this show?  (April 29) Have they done
others wrong????  Something is not on the up & up here.
Well, we only ask for our money back, so why could it not be sent when
asked for?  Wait till our checks were cleared we were told, we did.  Still
no refund!  Gary Skinner seems to think he is the only one with problems,
(others have problems too) & not very willing to correct matters of their
doing!  Not returning the money ASAP is wrong & mail fraud, we are told.
People are just not free to come to a show when ever the Skinners feel they
can hold it.  Skinners asked for show money before a deadline & we asked
for our refund before April 29, (first time April 22) if there was not to
be a show on that date!!!  So what's the problem SKINNERS!
Please, if anyone has some ideal that can help us receive our money back,
let us know.
Still wondering WHY!
C & C Ramon
[Posted in FML issue 3082]