Within the last few days there was a post on the FML about the passing of
a little fur child named "Choas".  We were all invited to visit his
memorial/site :o) His Mom and Dad gave Chaos a very beautiful memorial
page.  I did go to see his sight, and it was precious.  Chaos had a
headstone with his name on it, DOB and DOD were more to the bottom.  A pot
of forget-me-nots, a dozen roses, a brush and peanut butter adorned the
bottom of his headstone.  It was precious :o) Beautiful trees, sky and
rainbow in the background :o)
I had sent out a request for the "Owner's" of this site to please get in
touch with me, so far nothing yet :o(
Might any of you visited this site?  And possibly bookmarked it?  If so,
could you please provide me with this "url" in hopes that I can get in
touch with the webmaster/site owner?
Thanks so much :o)  I would really appreciate this :o)
  Jadesun, Dai Mai n' Amber-Lynn
  terribly missing Jade Elaine :o(
[Posted in FML issue 3080]