I posted before and had a couple of people email me about rescues needing
homes here in TN...but then my computer crashed and lost everything.  I'm
still looking.  My vet had a ferret his son had rescued from a backyard
abuse situation.  I took her in and have cared for her for the past two
months.  This morning she woke up and could barely stand.  She has
bilateral cataracts and is nearly totally blind, and was thin as a rail.
We figure her age at around 7 and she has had a really rough life.  For the
past two months she has known nothing but love and a kind voice.  That and
Rikki tries to get her to play but she is well beyond that.  Instead she
curls up with Keesha my female keeshond and is content to wander the house
with supervision and sleep in her hammock the rest of the time.
This morning I took her in and I fear euthanasia is the only answer.  I
hate to see an animal suffer and when I picked her up this morning she
curled up in my arms with her nose on my shoulder, as if telling me thank
you for giving her a new lease on life for the past two months, but now she
is tired and it's time to move on to the rainbow bridge.  I left her at the
vet's..he had an emergency hit by car and couldn't see her then, but he has
instructions to call me when he gets ready to see her.
Rikki is a rogue anyway and I'm afraid losing this companion will make him
worse.  This morning he did the grabbing my leg and trying to bite thing
because I was holding Haley.  He is as jealous as the day is long.  So I'd
like to find him a companion he can run and romp with now and expend his
energy with him or her.  My cats are very good about playing with him but
are only allowed to supervised.
If anyone knows of a rescue needing placement between 6mos. to 3-4 years
please let me know.  Would prefer a male but will take a female also.  I
know there was a girl in Fayetteville who emailed me, so if you get this
email me back.  I'm in Lewisburg an hour south of Nashville and can travel
to pick up.
:-) :-) :-) :-)
Su Cook
[Posted in FML issue 3079]