This is a crosspost from the skunkchat list I am on. Ginny's e-mail is
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Is there anyone in the vacinity of north Ga that could help out and take
these two girls in?  If you can help these kids, contact me privately and I
will give you the home phone number of the person to contact.  These little
ones need help, obviously need medical care and tons of love.
Ginny Laut   ADSA, Inc.          To educate is to protect.     To know
them is to love them.
Someone dropped off two ferrets at the small kennel in Big Canoe - the
subidivision where I work.  They only take cats & dogs.  Someone I work
with knew I had ferrets and brought them to me.  One is completely bald and
the other is half bald, but they both seem healthy otherwise.  Both females
- probably older.  Do you know anyone who could take them?  I just can't
... I will be glad when the ferrets I have are gone.  I love them, but they
are soooo messy and I just don't have time for them.
[Posted in FML issue 3079]