Hi everyone,
All is well with the 9 week old kit that I was able to get REALLY cheap
from a petstore as he had a prolapsed rectum.MF told the owner to *put him
down*The owner wouldn't do it,but he knew if he has the cost of surgery
added to the price of the kit,he'd never be sold.Teddy Bear is doing
great!Has gained alot of weight,loves to play.
Our Harriett just had a second Adernal,the left this time.She had the right
one done last July.And she's only 2.Harriett came thru this surgery great.
I must say I have a good vet,Dr. Tim Logan of Andrews Ave Animal Hospital,
When I was putting Harriett in a sick cage,my son,Devin,alerted me to
Ferri-lu.Her vulva is swelling.She had Adernal last June,then had a
Ganggreen type thing that rotted on her side.And we had to express her
bladder for some time due to other problems.So,I called the vet,took her
in.Pretty sure it's Adernal.She's on antibiotics for now.
And my sweet George,who has a liver disease,started losing weight fast.I
know it's summer but they are indoors where it stays 68 all th4e4 time.His
tail has been bald since earlier this year.He's been on prednisone for 2
yrs.Vet is watching him close.As I am.
This shelter is run out of my pocket,with no help cleaning cages,giving
meds,ect.I'm trying to keep from asking for help,but we are in need here.We
can use some Totally Ferret,Proglycem,donations to vet.I'm going to do a
flea market sale tommorrow to try to raise funds.I had a friend that would
do ferret portraits but she decided not to.Wish me luck on this flea
If you'd like to help,anything will be greatly appreciated.The ferrets
thank you,all 22 of them.
Dr Tim Logan,937 Andrwes Ave Animal Hosp., Ozark,Al.36360.Just make a note
that it's for Heaven Scent Shelter.
Heaven Scent Ferret Shelter,POBx 165,Midland City,Al36350
help our shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3078]