A guy wrote to the Liste furets (the french mailing list that I am
moderating) that his unneutered male ferret, has in the past weeks been
dooking, licking and biting hard his girlfriend.  He also had bad reactions
towards the girlfriend when she was menstruating.  The ferret has recently
been castrated.  Since we also have a ferret that behaves differently when
I am menstruating, I searched the FML archives.  I found nothing on the
Some people might be embarassed to post about that topic.  I would be
grateful, if you share you experience, either by regular post or using
the "anomymous post" feature of the FML.
Sanka, a neutered female ferret, when she was between two and four years
old started to always want to sniff my crotch during my menstrations.  I
simply put her down each time until she gave up.  Sanka suffered from an
adrenal tumor and was operate successfully for that problem.  However, her
behaviour did not stop after the surgery.  Sanka showed no interest when
offered raw red meat.  I thought that she might have been interested in
eating an iron rich food or something that smell a bit like blood.  We have
two of Sanka's sisters.  They (including one that currently suffers from an
adrenal disease) never had that behaviour, as well as the other 6 ferrets
that we owned.
Lorraine Tremblay
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[Posted in FML issue 3078]