Some things, that make me smile and some things that don't!
* Lady Penelope loves to gnaw on my knuckles.  Not hard at all, but she
will do this often and for long periods of time.  Fortunately she doesn't
chew on other things
* Every night Thor will plonk his front feet in the water bowl and drag
the water bowl off by walking backwards, spolshing water all over the
place.  I guess he just wants to add it to his hidey hole, but boy is this
habit annoying!
* Millie who has joined me recently has a habit of taking mouthfuls of
kibble and hiding it for later.  Nothing too strange in that except she
does this *every* night and has *lots* of hidey holes (10 or so) she fills
up including under *all* the rugs, each end of both window sills in the
lounge (behind the curtains) and under the couch and cages.  I always start
my day by crunching kibble under the bath mat!
* Snuff who has also joined me recently likes to get up onto the arm of the
couch and launch himself onto my shoulder / back as I'm at the computer -
scares the bejezzus out of me!
I suppose these habits aren't *that* odd - more like little idiosyncrasies
that make them unique.
Anyone else's ferrets got weird habits?  (I have a photo Georgia sent me
of her Kouri stacking cookies one on top of the other in the corner of the
room.  In the photo he's got four or five stacked and is about to place
another - very funny).
-David and the creatures of habit,
Thor, Grover, Lady Penelope, Millie & Snuff
[Posted in FML issue 3077]