Yup, he has em alright.  Never saw this before, but he does.
Sean told me while I was driving --why does this kid always seem to do
these things while I'm drivin--"mommy, Rocky has pimples on his face."
Be glad you do not frequent the roads of Chattanooga, folks.
I look over to find Sean ONCE AGAIN examining poor complacent Rocky, who
once again had the all to familiar glazed over eyes look.  I had to pull
over.  I was all concerned.  I began to look for the infamous pimples.
"Can't you see them mommy?!  They are big!".  Where, where I'm thinking
digging though his fur as I heard cars whizzing by and the air from the
passing cars rocking our car.  I finally told Sean there were no pimples
and he was alright, and asked what he was talking about.  Well that child
looked at me like I was a total moron and blind.  He finally said, "right
HERE mommy and HERE, just like on Jarrod's face".  Then he said, "do I have
em too mommy?" And Sean looked up and grinned as hard as he could so as to
bear his teeth.  I finally got it then.  YES Sean, you also have "DIMPLES"
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take a peek at upcomming "so you have allergies":
[Posted in FML issue 3077]