Thanks to everyone who sent me an e-mail regarding my post about new ferret
ownership.  I now have most of the information I need, and my parents are
pretty close to giving me the green light, i just need to raise the funds.
As with all my other animal endevours, i have to go solo for the payments.
Kind of a bummer but nothing will staand in the way of me and my
prospective fuzzbutt. ;)
Well I have ALL summer to save up so i should be okay!
Does anyone have any tips onm cage making?  I am going to make my own cage
because I think it will be cheaper.  I was just reading a post about closet
shelving floors (sorry i don't remember who it was!) and that seems like a
cool idea!  Basically, i have all the important info so i am researching
the fun stuff! ;)
Well thanks again for any input!
[Posted in FML issue 3077]