Our Lemke the miracle ferret is suffering from Cardiomyopathy and is
currently on a downhill slide.
He takes the following witches brew of medications: Cyproheptadine (as an
appetite stimulant) Enalapril, Digoxin, Isoproterenol and Lasix (as needed
about every other day).
Until about 2 weeks ago this seemed to be keeping him in balance & he was
doing pretty well, but lately he's getting weaker & losing more & more
strength in his rear end.
A couple times recently he's just gone to the bathroom right where he was
because he was too weak to even walk towards a corner, much less into one.
He can still make it up the stairs some of the time, but he's clearly
pulling with his forepaws to make it.
He's been through so much already (insulinoma, then right adrenal surgery,
then diabetes, now this) that he's getting tired of fighting. we won't drag
this out if he can't have good quality of life, but he's been so determined
to live & be a happy weasel through everything, that we have to try if
there's another option that might bring him back up...
any reccomendations?  preferably with citations we can give our vet - she's
great about looking into stuff & researching new options.  we're running
out of ideas & we want so much to help him live a happy life for as long
as he can stay with us...
by the way, miracle boy just made it to six years old, which we never
thought he'd see, so we are very grateful for that.
Eden & Lem
WARNING: Dates on the calendar are closer than they appear!
Eden Rain
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[Posted in FML issue 3077]