As I stated yesterday, my original post was for information about what I
have been calling FERRET ABANDONMENT DISORDER.  I asked for input from
rescues and shelters about the situation I described and over the past
three days I have received dozens of emails with some excellent information
In my article, I also stated very clearly for those people who were not
shelters, please don't bother me with your thoughts about why people
abandon their ferrets.  I don't care.  Because it basically boils down to
this ferret fans.  You can have God, Jesus, Buddha, Jehovah, or whatever
god or deity you believe in come down and bless you as you dump your ferret
off at a shelter.  The bottom line is, your FERRET DOES NOT KNOW WHY ITS
BEING ABANDONED.  The critter does not know if you the difference between a
new job, baby, house, and just plan abandonment.  This is why I refer to
them as dumb.  Not because they are not intelligent, because ferrets are.
But what differs most humans from animals is the fact that we can openly
communicate.  Yes, animals can communicate with each other, but they also
cannot understand you when you say, "mommy and daddy have to leave you now
in this shelter and you will find a good home."
Its kinda like an old FAR SIDE comic I keep on my refrigerator, in one
caption it shows a human talking to his cat "your a bad kitty, you should
not have eaten the bird, bad kitty, bad kitty" Then it shows in the next
cartoon what the cat hears " blah blah blah kitty, blah blah blah blah
blah balh kitty, blah kitty,".
For those of you who are still having problems with what FAD is all about
and where I am coming from with this, go back a few days and please read
the article.  If there are some words your having problems with, pick up
a dictionary.
When I say I don't want you to waste my time trying to defend peoples
reasons for abandoning ferrets, its because over the past four years, I
think I have heard them all.  And honestly, I do agree, the ferret is
coming to a better place in my house.  Because while it is with me the
ferret will get to play with my eight, eat a smorgeboard of healthy food,
get love, attention, a warm bed to sleep in, and eventually if FAD does
not set in, a good home that I know will take good care of it.
But I don't want to waste anymore time on this discussion.  I think another
FML veteran posted an article the other day about listing the reasons
people come up with to justify their reasons for abandoning the loved
Here is my favorite (not really, but if I have to have one, its the
funniest)  "I can no longer take care of my baby, we have had her for
three years, but now we have had a baby and we no longer have time for
her anymore"
May the Ferrets be with you,
United Ferret Organization
10584 S.  700 E  #310  (New Address)
Sandy, Utah 84070
(801) 572-6010
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[Posted in FML issue 3069]