Someone, sorry don't remember who, wrote asking about getting a ferret.
She ( he) said they had concerns.  I would like to respond to two....
Something was mentioned about being in school all day & a dog, poodle I
We, too, are away all day.  I leave my house at 7:00 and return around 5:30
daily.  My Baxter is just fine.  I open his cage door as soon as I get
home.  He comes out and has the run of the place until bedtime.  At that
time, I either put him back or he goes back himself.  This tells me that he
is not too upset about being caged, or he would never go there voluntarily.
Also, when I do put him in, he ALWAYS gets a treat.  This way he is NEVER
reluctant to go in.  He thinks of his cage as a good place!
As far as dogs, I have (2) small dogs & (4) cats.  I introduced them, and
was always present for the 1st week.  They got used to each other real
quick.  The cats & dogs have all been put in their place by Baxter.  If
they are too rough, he lets them know.  He bites the backs of their legs,
nips their necks, etc.  I scold them if I think they are too rough, but not
often.  They all play together.  Baxter is usually the instigator in rough
play.  He wears the rest of them out & gets mad when they won't play.  He
has a way about him, they just run & hide from him when they've had
They will also snuggle together...not ALL together, but different ones at
different times.
Good Luck....
sal _ a @
[Posted in FML issue 3076]