Augie's vet is on a much deserved vacation.  Murphy's law, therefore, says
we paid a visit to the alternate vet yesterday.  This is the vet who is
asmatic and suggested aminophylline as a breathing aid for Augie the last
time we visited.  That has helped.  Well, the vet also has ulcers, and
suggested adding Tagamet to Augie's regimen, which we will try.  Had been
using the baby gas medicine Mylicon.  AND the vet said there is a new
anti-gas medicine for humans that she believes is "great"- Previsid- that's
the name i wrote down from her comment.  She said that unfortunately there
didn't seem to be any dosage information on using it with animals, ferrets
in particular.  Is anyone using this with ferrets?  or does anyone know of
a source for dosage information?
By the way, 'lockjaw' Augie, whose hematocrit was 18 on 5/20,( "Two points
below life sustaining") is now up to 35 on 6/6 ("normal is about 45").
quotes from her vet.  She is also up for the title of most spoiled ferret
in the universe.
[Posted in FML issue 3076]