Hi all-
That might be a little melodramatic, but they did wake me up with I knocked
myself out Saturday.  I was picking up their toys to vacuum and hit the
back of my head on my stairs really hard.  I don't remember hitting my head
or falling down.  The next thing I know, all six of my babies are licking
my face and staring at me.  Even Jiggy, my partially-reformed biter!  He is
usually all too anxious to taste my ear if I'm cuddling with him, but he
was licking my cheek with the others.  I'm not sure how long I was out, but
it was long enough for all of them to wake up and come to my rescue.
They all stayed by me on the couch for the next three hours until my
boyfriend got home from work and found me.  I ended up with a concussion,
but the cat scan showed nothing serious.  It did, luckily, confirm that I
have a brain, so I now have proof for any of you doubters.  I have a mild
case of whiplash, but nothing a visit to the chiropractor or acupuncturist
can't fix.
My boyfriend did try telling the doctors that I didn't need a cat scan.  I
had already been ferret-scanned enough that day.  It just proved to him
that I am more and more like my babies every day.  I can bounce off walls
and shake it off!
and the six mustelid medics.
[Posted in FML issue 3076]