Hi Kaiti
First, let me say that you sound like a wonderfully intelligent, responsible
young person.  It's so good to see someone (of any age!) doing such careful
research before adopting a pet.  It's always best to try to get an idea of
what you're getting into!
>First of all, if someone is allergic to cats, will they be allergic to
Not necessarily.  Cats have an enzyme in their saliva that causes irritation
in many people, especially given the fact that cats groom themselves
regularly, and their hair ends up everywhere.  I myself am fairly allergic
to cats but I don't have problems with ferrets (except intact males).
>Also, how well do they get along with dogs?
It sounds as though your dog may get along with a ferret, provided that
the ferret isn't overly rambunctious.  Perhaps you might consider adopting
an adult ferret from a shelter.  Ferrets are a little less spastic once
they're past a year or so old. <g>  Of course you will *always* want to
supervise their interaction.
>Cage size.  I am away at school all day (8:30-3:30) so my ferret would
>have to be in his cage all day.  I'd like to give him the best possible
>accommodations and I've read that the sizes for cages under these
>circumstances should be 2'hx2'dx3'l, which to me seems kind of small for
>such an active animal.  Are these sizes appropriate?
I personally prefer a larger cage, or better still an entire ferret-proofed
room, if possible.  Keep in mind though that ferrets do sleep a great deal,
and that's the extent of what most ferrets do when they are in their cages.
>And finally, does any one know of a breeder or is a breeder in the greater
>Toronto area?
Try http://www.ferretcentral.org/for-others/db-canada.html and
Happy ferreting!
Gina Hart/Sage Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3075]