Hi everyone,
I have to tell you all, my husband has been bit by the ferret bug...he
found a little silver (?) girl the other day in the pet shop...Freya she
will be called, well, since i was so stunned, i just had to insist that she
have a cage mate, since our others were pretty big...and she so small, so
now we have Fenris..about 4-6 wks old.  Well, we have a case of divine
intervention, as my daughter was on her way home from work, and asked her
girlfriend if they should stop at the Humane Society shelter...lo and
behold 2 little white girls were there, Lynn would not usually stop there,
and hasn;t been since January when we picked up Odie, Samson, Sadie, &
Jasmine.  Tell me we haven't got an angel, looking out for homeless
ferts...Athena knew what it was all about, she gave up her life for the
fact.  Why do i say in fours?  We got 3 originally, then came Crimson &
Clover, followed shortly by Hera & Athena...when we lost Athena we got a
call from the Humane Society asking if we would be interested in 2 old
boys that just came in, and along came Samson & Odysseus and the same day
Sadie & Jasmine (just as i was about to leave w/what little the boys came
in w.) Yesterday, my husband got bit by the ferret love bug, and home came
Freya and Fenris, and lo and behold today we have (PIP & POP?), they came
w/no names, no cage, no toys...and their fur is kinda coarse...so
3+4+4+4+15 -1 Ferret Angel watching over us all.  Divine intervention for
my little white girls i would say, they were suprised that i would take
        5 years ago when we moved here from California, we went looking for a dog,
we already had 2 cats...  The first place we stopped was the Humane
Society...I left there in tears...and swore i would never go back, my heart
couldn't take it.  I love cats..., i love animals!..there are now 4
rottweillers in there...one w/a terrible sinus infection...if only i had
lots of money and a BIG HOUSE, and wasn't nearly 50 years old next year.
Well, i have been back to the Humane Society 3 x'x since then to pick up 6
ferrets...and i just pray that i have the energy to keep everyone well
cared for, everyday their cages are cleaned...something told me to pick up
all 3 pieces of sample sheet vinyl...for a small cage that required only 1?
 The other 2 work just fine in the cage that the two girls are residing in
for the time...Our heavenly father works in mysterious ways, sometimes...he
knows where my heart is...yes it is w/my family and when they need me i
will be there for them, just as i am for my animals...god give me the
strength to keep it up.  I work 2 jobs...as i have said before, and the
first is up @ 2:30 a.m. 7days a week...i am back to bed by 5:30 @ the
earliest for about 2 more hours of sleep and in bed by 10 sometimes 11 @
night only to start the day over again...it is for the love of my animals,
family, and respect for my debtors that i keep working like i do.
As for surrenders, to shelters...if these animals were your children...your
flesh and blood would you give them up because they were smelly?  Would you
give them up because they demanded too much of your time and attention?  I
know there are mothers out there that have children w/handicaps, they keep
on caring for these children when the burden is tremendous...i have seen
these mothers, and the loving look they have for their children.  Everyone
has a valid point...shelter caretakers and those who surrender their
pets...i haven't had a vacation in 5 years, if only a weekend to drive up
north to my parents and visit overnight to drive back the next day...but i
don't care...no one knows my animal family like i do...i don't expect them
too...i just work around the demands....I sometimes visit the Wendys near
our home, and look at the poster full of children wanting a home and the
love of a family...you see it in their faces....we are the ones that
domesticated animals to our own purpose, it is our responsibility to care
for them.  I never intended to be an extended care shelter either, but...i
guess that is just the way it happens, i have heard another horror story
this evening...w/not elaborate as i have said much already.
On a lighter note, my Odysseus is fairing well...He doesn't get much
exercise yet, but he does get up and get around...he just looks so much
happier...and he is such a sweetheart.  I dote on him a lot, because he is
my one that really needs to be loved and let known he is loved.  WE will
talk to Dr. Harris, as he used pink thread to tie him up, and Odie is a
BOY!!!  Blue thread may have help the healing process much quicker?  and
when Odie is out, he walks w/a definite arch to his back, maybe Dr. Harris
tied him up too tight w/the stitches?
My little white girls are out playing right now...they are the last to get
the exercise for the night...wonder how we will handle the day thing...but
it is getting late so we must all bid goodnight...Daddy w/be home to care
for everyone tomorrow...so we will get to play more...
Goodnight to all, from the Christen Clan, Mom Donna, Dad Dan, Zeus, Bandit,
Jalepeno, Crimson & Clover, Hera & Athena, Samson & Odysseus, Sadie aka
say-say & Jasmine, Freya & Fenris, and the new girls PIP & POP...i have 4
of the real pip and pops!!!
Thank you for putting up w/this lengthy post...if anyone has any
suggestions about integration, care of so many, and helpful hints they
would be welcomed...and acknowledged.
All the Christen Family
[Posted in FML issue 3074]