Hello ferret slaves,
I have been lurking.  My last post was months ago on my first passing of
Zeus, who was full of cancer.
The other six are all doing very well so far (knock on wood).  I am still
paying my vet the bills for Zeus, man it can run up high.  Anyone have any
luck with insurance companies to include ferrets?
Lets start a discussion on a natural diet.  I'm going to make another
batch of chicken gravy.  I want to make enough to last 6 months or so...
a problem here is...
I don't have enough space in my freezer!
Someone once mentioned about canning the gravy.  I thought that this was a
great idea but have never canned anything for the life of me.
So is this a good idea?  What are the requirements?  Etc. etc. etc.
Also, I have been using the meat grinder to grind up the chicken.  I didn't
want to cook the food more than I need to but have been wondering about
pressure cooking... what damage can it do to the chicken?
One word on U.F.O and Rick, I have met Rick and saw his basement shelter.
I also adopted two ferrets from him and donated a big cage to his shelter.
On first impression, he was a very nice guy however he does play a martyr
whenever there was an disagreement which I did not appreciate and turned
me away.
Ferrethill and the Spunky Six
Harley aka Bullwinkle
And Over the Rainbow Bridge:
Zeus (RIP)
* "Real men play with their weasels!"      *
*                                          *
*  http://aznet.net/~ferrethill/           *
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*  IQC number: 35125920                    *
[Posted in FML issue 3074]