Jen and Gang,
I have been using Devil's Club for 2+ years.  I had my Phantom operated on
a few weeks ago because we thought he may have also had adrenal tumors.
Unfortunately, it wasn't, but the vet took out tumors on his pancreas.  He
had had this for almost 3 years and I didn't know about the devils club
until about after he had already developed insulinoma.  Unfortunately
Phantom died about 5 days after surgery, at the age of 6.  But it wasn't
from the insulinoma.  It was from the preds he had been on for almost 2
years.  (I'm not sure of the time frame on all this as I've had many with
various illnesses and meds).  But the preds do some bad things to other
organs after a while and it caused huge weight gain and his little heart
finally couldn't take it.  He didn't have a heart attack, it just gave up
and quit beating, so in that respect, he didn't suffer.
However, when the results came back after on his tumors, they weren't all
cancerous, the lab report said many of them were just old age tumors.  So I
do feel the Devil's Club did some good.  I have another on it now, caught
hers right away and have had her on it since last Aug.  She is on that
and just some Bob Church's chicken gravy.  She also has adrenal problems
(surgery on left over a year ago), so now she is on a Lupron shot, and
she's growing fuzz!  But the d.c.  has helped her.  Will find out more
tomorrow as she goes in for another test.
Here is a web site, The New Rainbow Bridge that I contacted,
Go into nutritional suppliments.  Check it out.  They have an 800 no. that
you can call and talk to either Diane or Steve.  They are very helpful and
will tell you their experiences and the successes they have had.  Give them
a call and check it out.
Good luck with your baby!
mjo and the zoo (Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Bilbo, Frodo, Frito,
Pepper, & Caesar and the dogs Garth and Darwin......r.i.p.  PHANTOM,
Nipper, EZ, Lightning, Cleo, & Duke)
[Posted in FML issue 3074]