It is hard for me to write about this, but I do so in an effort to try to
figure out what happened.  My 4 year old male, RumpleMintze, the love of
my life, was fine this morning.  Playing and showing no signs of illness.
About 11am we found him under the bed.  He was listless..  His nose was
cold, his paws were white, as well as his gums, skins on his ears and his
nose.  It was like he had no circulation and there was no blood there.  He
walked a few steps and fell over.  We called a vet that was recommend by
Ferret Digest.  He suggested we get him right away to an animal hospital.
By the time we got there he had died.  We don't know what happened.  The
only thing I can think of was that when I accidentaly stepped on him this
morning that something ruptured.  But I didn't step that hard on him and
he was always getting underfoot.  To say I am in shock and deeply sad is
putting it mildly.  I just wish I knew what happened.  Has anyone else ever
encountered symptoms like these.  He was gone within an hour.  I love you
RumpleMintze and will miss you forever..  I never had a better friend.  I
look forward to being together with you again.
On a positive note.  When I arrived home this evening my daughter and her
boyfriend knocked on the door about 5 minutes after I got in.  In their
hands were 2 baby ferrets.  RumpleMintze will be a tough act to follow
for these two but they will be loved just as much.
If anyone has any information that can help solve this puzzle please email
me at [log in to unmask]
Thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 3073]