So many of you wonderful people wrote me with words of wisdom, advice,
experience and just plain, old fashioned (and desperately needed) support
and love.  Soo..... THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!  To each and every one of you -
Jackie, Liz, Sukie, Bruce, Linda, Ross, John, Katherine, another Jackie,
Judy, Sue, etc.  If I left anyone out, I truly apologize.  I hope noone
is upset at me mentioning them by name.  I just felt you all deserved a
special mention and since this is the least I could do.... Especially with
all the "yuck" going on here lately.  No one knows me, in theory none of
you should care, yet here we are and SO many of you do.  Ok, enough of the
dribble, eh?  Sorry :).
Here's the update: For those of you who don't remember, Zen had surgery a
little over 2 weeks ago to remove a large tumor in her belly - regions
unknown at the time.  It was later discovered to be attached to her liver.
Surgery remarkably successful despite the vet's doubts that she would make
it through.  Took her to the vet last week to get her stitches out.  The
appt. went well.  The vet's jaw literally dropped open when he saw her.
He was absolutely amazed at her progress.  She's gained at least 5 oz (now
she's 1 lb. 6 oz!!!!) and acts as though nothing at all has ever happened
to her in the last month or so.  She's even fiestier and more playful than
I EVER remember her being.  He also felt her insides as best he could to
see if he could feel any other lumps and he didn't.  That's a good sign so
far but no guarantees of course.  We both agreed that, for a variety of
reasons, we didn't want to go the chemo route.  I feel very good about the
decision.  Thanks to all the input from the aforementioned group of angels,
I was able to make a decision that I'm very comfortable with, and even
excited about (as much as one can be in circumstances such as these).
I've ordered Essiac (the herbal concoction that is purportedly a cure for
cancer).  The vet and I agree that is the best hope for her right now,
without putting her through too much misery.  I'm also going to give Dr.
Weiss a call next week to find out more about the Actigal as was suggested
to me.  I'm obviously not a vet so I hope he'll speak with me.  I asked my
vet and he doesn't have the time to call. :(
One last thought.... the vet and I were discussing monitoring her growths
via ultrasound, especially since I will be trying this Essiac thing and
there isn't much research.  He wanted, and I agreed, that ideally we should
do periodic ultrasounds at Ohio State University Vet. Hospital (OSU).  An
initial one right now before she starts the meds, and perhaps monthly ones
thereafter.  Doing so would not help Zen in any way (as far as he mentioned
and I can fathom) but I suspect will help ferrets and perhaps science in
general.  The problem, alas, is that it is VERY expensive and my income is
low, and likely about to disappear completely.  Now, before any flames - if
it had to do with saving Zen's life or even making her feel better, I would
sell blood or limbs if I had to.  I'm prepared for ANY NECESSARY or even
recommended medical or other expenses for her.  It's just that this would
in no way be for her.  The vet and I were thinking they may do it for free
(ya, right!) in the interests of science.  I could also take her elsewhere,
or just bag the idea altogether.  But if any/many of the scientists out
there (BOB C.??!!!) think it's important, I'll do it - even in light of
the cost.
Sad that I had to go through all those disclaimers, huh? :(
Again, thank you all for your love, support, advice and prayers.  YOU saved
my baby girl - the sweetest thing that has ever or will ever exist on this
planet.  (Completely unbiased opinion of course!  ).
All my love and thanks,
Queen Zen, Queen Bu & Laura
[Posted in FML issue 3073]