>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Relocation to DC
>My problem is that I've been out of touch so long, I completely forgot
>that Washington DC is not a ferret-friendly zone, and I relocated here
>6 days ago from Long Island, NY.
STAR is a national ferret shelter 'network'  There is currently no local
NoVa is a great place for ferret owners.  Best veterinary care in the
nation (through a higher concentration of good vets - not a monopoly)
>I guess our field trip to the Washington Monument is out of the question
>now.  Too bad -- they would have loved that!
Actually that is federal property, not city property and federal rules
apply.  Killian ferrets have been there several times.  Actually before
we knew DC was verbotten though.
>Good to be back again after all this time, and I hope to hear from
>someone local ASAP.
Bill works in Chantilly (NoVa) but we live out near Front
Almost local.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 3073]