Thanks to Diane Bodofsky I found the Zithromax dosage, and since no one
else seemed to have one I thought I would post it.
First of all, where it came from- several years ago I had a ferret with a
Mycobacterium avian infection which is VERY unusual, to make a long story
as short as possible, I was put in touch with a Dr.Maslowe who is at
Veteran's Hospital in BOston.  He is an MD infectious disease specialist,
but also assists with these diseases in animals.  For example, he had
recently helped a zoo that had an elephant with a Mycobacterium infection.
Anyway, he put Rhett on a combination of three antibiotics (he lived for
another 9 months), one of which was Zithromax.  The dosage was 10 mg/kl
once a day.  The once a day dosage, and tiny amount that need to be given
made this an easy drug to admininster.  It is a 3rd (4th?)gneration
cephalasporin.  Hope this helps somebody!No I am NOT a vet, so talk to
[Posted in FML issue 3071]