I recently posted about Fang going through pred withdrawal : We are weaning
because he went from Insulinoma to Diabetes, but not until three months
AFTER his insulinoma surgery.  We are weaning from 1 ml.  TWICE a day to
1 ml. ONCE a day for a week; then down to 1/2 ml once a day...if his blood
glucose test shows some positive results.
I think it is important here, for anyone that might go through this, to
learn WHY that amount of decrease, instead of 1/2 ml. twice a day, which
is what I thought would be better.  Dr. Weiss and my vet agreed that
staying with the fairly high dose of 1 ml., but only once a day, will
hopefully recreate the NATURAL up and downs of the blood glucose, and
eventually (and hopefully), stimulate the pancreas into producing insulin
again on its own.
Cutting back to 1/2 twice a day would be keeping a more *even* blood
glucose, and we are needing the up and down swing.  <sigh> I think I
understand, but the twelve hours in between has been scary .  In the middle
of this, Fang has been jinxed with a snotty nose that he hasn't been able
to kick for a week, and is now on amoxicillian.  In the past, he always
kicked a cold in three to four days.
Sometimes I think about the wonderful people on this list, and how much
they have warmed my heart with their stories.  I just read Feb. 26 post
(I told you I was way behind), and Julie Dowdy's list of things we tolerate
when being owned by ferrets really hit home.  I laughed outloud.  I
remember others listing similar things, (the brown ice cubes in the
freezer), but Julie's was a direct reflection of our own household.  I
too, have run out the door in the cold of winter without my jacket of
choice, only because Fang was sleeping it the sleeve.  I too, have given up
ownership of some favorite things (t-shirts, silk cowgirl scarves) because
he has claimed them for his own.  We too, have given up dresser drawers
because they are on his *favorite places to sleep* list.
My own addition to the list would be:
The bed goes temporarily unmade if Fang is snuggled somewhere in there;
I don't want to disturb his ferret dreams;
We tolerate a ladder of six misshapen shaped pillows on the floor at the
end of our bed cuz it's Fang's Freeway to the top.
We don't use Klean Shower, even though we WANT to, because Fang gets in
the shower to lick the bottom.
We have *Watch for Ferret* posted signs at our doors for non family members
coming and going.  Family members have long ago embedded our modification
of every day life.
If we have to get up in the night (applies to those of us over 50) we
automatically do the *midnight shuffle*, a perfected form of dragging our
feet in order to avoid a furry road bump.  (No, I don't shuffle from age,
I am actually quite spiffy).
....and the story of Amy's Little Bear who wanted to own a tire store found
its' own permanent corner in my heart.  The sad stories, unfortunately,
have stayed in my heart too.  But through our sharing, I believe we are
all better people.
I live a hectic, unorganized life, always going from one thing to the
next...When I need to get centered, and I can't go into the mountains on
my horse, I go for my FML fix.  Thank you Bill, and God bless you all for
being a part of the compassion that feeds it.
love and happy tails,
Liz and little Fang
[Posted in FML issue 3071]