Our two new lovelies are doing wonderfully - sorta! :o(   Our little boy
(we've nicknamed him Pepe) has been sneezing a lot (well, they both have,
but especially him), and has been kind of mellow.  He whimpers in his cage,
even when he's all curled up.  He is the vocal one of the duo, but could
this whimpering mean something other than "give me attention"?
Needless to say, we're quite worried about him.  He's so very sweet and
gentle.  What could be wrong with him?
We've entertained the thought that he could be allergic to the bedding
that's in there (since they're both sneezing), but he's also kind of mellow
when he's out of the cage and playing with our little fert girl.
Suggestions?  They're due for their first canine distemper next week, so
if it's nothing urgent, we're going to have the vet take a peek.
Please help, we don't want to send a little one to The Bridge this soon!
Dana L. Reale
Office Manager
Children First and
Crider School-Based Programs
[Posted in FML issue 3098]