Hello to all fuzz-butt lovers,
I'm from CT and am owned by 4 great little shelter ferrets I got from FACT-
2 males (Mocha and Teddy) and 2 females (Cocoa and Toba).  Mocha and Cocoa
were the first two and were cage-mates, and Teddy and Toba were the second
two and also cage-mates.  I did a lot of research before I got the ferrets
because I wanted to know if they'd fit into my lifestyle.  I also have 4
cats and a dog and was a bit apprehensive about the ferret idea.  After
talking to people and reading articles, in the final analysis I decided
to save a few ferrets instead of going the pet store route.  I'm so glad I
did.  These are funniest, most loving pets I ever owned.  In my opinion,
everyone should own ferrets.  Mine live in a four level condo while I'm at
work and have run of the first floor (although they do sneak up to the 2nd.
on occasion) when I get home.  They have more toys than my daughter did
when she was growing up.  When I got them from FACT, they were fed a mix of
Iams and other premium foods, so I continued this practice and added
Totally Ferret to it.  They seem to really like the mix of TF, Iams, and
Eukanuba.  Mocha and Cocoa have been with me for over a year now.  Teddy
and Toba only about a month, so they are still a bit shy.  Mocha is helping
Toba's transition by proving that he is ALPHA -FERRET.  He's giving her the
grand tour of the place (leading her by her ear).  Sometimes she squeals so
loud, I have to run to her rescue.  He's also teaching her wonderful tricks
like how to get up onto the counter to play in the dish water, where to
find the wastebasket to empty, how to burrow into the sofa to sleep when
there is no laundry to get into, and how to gather at the door so when it
opens at least one will be able to run out into the hall and thus gain
access to the 2nd.  floor.
This is getting lengthy, so I'll stop here.  Love talking with all of you.
Many ferret kisses from Mocha, Cocoa, Teddy and Toba
P.S.  While surfing the net, I found a site called 'The Bad Ferret List'
This is the place to go if you want to laugh.  The address is
Talk to you later,
[Posted in FML issue 3095]